Barbara Kay Hebert

…writer of children’s books

Coloring Page

Mel Hebert


Abel and Cain's Offer

Abraham and Sarah

Adam and Eve in Hiding

The First Family

Peter walks on water

Baby Jesus in a manger


David and Goliath

David gathering stones

David the shepherd

Covered by the Red Sea

The Garden of Eden

The Forbidden Tree

The Good Samaritan

He Is Risen

Jesus healing a deaf man

Jesus healing a lame man

Jacob’s Ladder

Jericho’s walls

Jesus and Lambs

Jesus calming the storm

Jesus holding a lamb

Jesus sleeping in the storm

Jesus teaching

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Jonah in a fish

Jonah thrown overboard

The 3 kings with gifts for Jesus

Lame man walking away

Man through roof for healing

Moses and the burning bush

Moses brings water from a rock

Moses parting the Red Sea


The Prodigal Son returns

The Prodigal Son’s brother

The widow’s two coins

Jesus walking on the water

Zacchaeus in a tree

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